Wednesday 8 July 2015

Theory of Architecture and Urbanism (ARC2224/ARC61303)

Theory of Architecture and Urbanism (ARC2224/ARC61303)

Name : Teo Kean Hui
Student ID : 0310165
Course : Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Architecture) March Intake 2013
Lecturer : Pn. Nor Hayati


Synopsis 1
Synopsis 2
Synopsis 3
Project 1: Analysing "Through the eyes" of an Architecture / Urban Designer / Theoretician
Project 2: Analysis Diagrams & Essay

Synopsis 1

Synopsis 2

Synopsis 3

Synopsis 4

Project 1 Analysing "Through the eyes" of an Architecture / Urban Designer / Theoretician

This project we are required select a defined area and study tat particular area that we've choosen through observation using the point of view from one architect, urban designer or theoretician that we have to choose. Then we are asked to apply and translate the design theories and historic urban design approaches proposed by the architect that we've studied onto this area and imagine how the architect have analysed and interpreted in this chosen area.

This project required us to produces a graphical language or sketch design about our analysis to the site and choose an architect or urban designer accompanied by short reflective text of 500 words.

Project 2 Analysis Diagrams & Essay

This project is about empahasizes architecture like language with vocabulary, grammatical structure, both physical and intellectual. through certain arrangement, it carries messages and communicates meanings, nevertheless, in order to understand architecture , one must be aware of the conditions within which they are employed.

This project required to decide a particular building area in the city from project 1 and decide the three external contributing factors of the site and also the analysis diagram of the site for example the plan, section and also elevation of the building or the area that have been chosen. the analysis is also must be relate back and relate to the theory that the architecture and also urban designer that already chosen in project 1.

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