Architectural Design Studio 3 (ARC2118)
Name : Teo Kean HuiStudent ID : 0310165
Course : Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Architecture) March Intake 2013
Lecturer : Mr. Keith Tan, Mr. Angus, Ms. Roya, Mr. Wan, Ms. Raihana and Ms. Chang
Project 1 (a) Precedent Studies: Analysing spatial poetics & spatial typologies in architectureProject 1 (b) The Journey of 5 Senses
Project 2 Genius Loci: Site Analysis & Concept Development
Project 3 Genius Loci: Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)
Project 1 (a) Precedent Studies: Analysing spatial poetics & spatial typologies in architecture
This project is about studying and understanding of different types of building each from pre-modern movement and contemporary to analysis about .In group of 5, we are assigned to choose 1 linear and 1 centric building type each from either pre-modern movement and contemporary then analysis and identify the properties of the building then come out with multiple sheets of A3 presentation board explaining building that we've choosen.
The building we've chose are The Pod Pavilion in Malaysia as the linear type of building from contemporart and Villa La Rotonda as the centric type of building from pre-modern movement.
Project 1 (b) The Journey of 5 Senses
With the same group members we procede with chooseing a poem which is The Tale of 3 Brothers to study and analysis about then design 1 linear type of building and 1 centric type that actually telling something that people don't normally realise in this story and then translate it into a form of building by using the 5 senses.
The tale of three brothers (abridged) from Teo Kean Hui
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Centric type building model |
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Presentation board. |
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Linear type building model. |
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Presentation board. |
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My groupmembers and I. |
Learning outcomes
1. Identify and explain different spatial types in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience2. Identify and analyze case studies to inform the design project
3. Create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space
4. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures
5. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.
Through the project, a totally different experience compare to the previous project that enable me to improve my skill and method of designing a better building with emotional and feeling in it. Besides designing, time arrangement and cooperation with fellow group mates to discuss, having meeting and doing models are really important to come out with a successful presentation. After that, I've also learnt how to solve problems during the design process which is taking in the advice from lectures and improve on the concept and the design of the building so that it's a building design that suits the topic given.
Project 2 Genius Loci: Site Analysis & Concept Development
This project is devided into 2 parts which is the group work part and individual part.Group work: Site conditions and Analysis
In this project, the group work part is about we have been given a site which is the Labrador Nature Reserved Park that located in Singapore to analysis about.![]() |
Site Analysis |
Through this site analysis, I have learnt the correct and proper way to interpret, document and analyze about the site and come out with a complete set of site analysis with all the plans, climates, geographical elements and views.
Individual work: Personal Interpretation & Concept Development as a Response
This project require us to propose conceptual design of a Visitor Interpretive Centre. We are required to produce drawings either on-site sketches or abstract drawings which found interesting and can be inspirational to the design concept of Visitor Interpretive Centre.![]() |
Imperfection |
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Sketch 1 - The Dark Days |
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Conceptual drawing showing plans. |
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Conceptual drawings showing elevations. |
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Conceptual drawings showing section. |
3D conceptual model |
Through this individual part of the project, I'm able to translate my feeling and what I think towards the site into drawings. After that, translate my drawings into a building in term of layout and the design.
Project 3 Genius Loci: Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)
The objective of this project is to propose a design scheme which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional programand users’ experiences and generate design through conscious consideration of human scale, natural light, materials/texture. Then come out with a building with limitation of 450sqm including all the spaces (gathering spaces, exhibition, toilet, souvinor shop and so on.) then a full set of drawings on 2 pieces of A0 sized presentation board and one sectional physical model showing some construction details.
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Presentation board |
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Sectional model |
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Perspective of model |
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Perspective of model |
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Pin up of presentation board and model |
Learning Outcomes
1. Generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context2. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture
3. Design a small scale community building which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences
4. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and
Through this project, I've more understanding on different type of arrangement of spaces gives different kind of felling including the circulation and security. Besides that, I also understand that the way you design and build a building can bring out an event or a story after visiting it. Moreover, I've also learnt to build together with the environment without harming them, not to destroy but to enhance.
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